
  • 任婉侠/REN Wanxia



Dr. REN Wanxia, graduated from Northeast University with a Bachelor Degree of Science in 2000 and then received the Master Degree in Engineering from Northeast University of China in 2005, in 2008 she received the Doctor degree in Ecology from the Chinese Academy of Science and then started to work in IAE-CAS as an Assistant Professor from Sept 2008. In Jan 2015, she was appointed as the deputy director of the Research Center on Industrial Ecology & Sustainability at the IAE-CAS. In Jan 2016, she is promoted as an Associate Professor in Industrial Ecology & Environment Management.
  Her research objective is to develop a computing-based environmental governance and evaluation tools for local government or relevant departments. She has published about 50 peer-reviewed papers in international journals, and has received four provincial and municipal prizes of Science & Technical Progress Award. She has a strong knowledge in Chinese environmental policies and evaltuion.

E-mail: renwanxia@iae.ac.cn