
  • 孙露/SUN Lu


  孙露, 2014年获中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所硕士学位,2019年获日本东京大学博士学位。研究方向:工业绿色发展,循环经济,城市代谢与都市产业共生。2014年至今在日本国立环境研究所工作,2019年任职特别研究员。在工业部门节能减排、资源循环、区域能源系统优化、智慧低碳城市等方面有着丰富的研究经验和成果,在国内外一流期刊发表研究论文40余篇,担任联合国区域发展中心(UNCRD)亚太地区循环经济发展报告评审专家,担任国际期刊Frontiers in Sustainability编委和专题副主编。

  Dr. Lu Sun is Research Associate at National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan. He got the Master’s degree from Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014, after that he got the Ph.D. degree from The University of Tokyo in 2019. His research focuses on (1) To analyze the green development pathways of energy intensity industries by using environmental economic models. (2) To quantify the environmental impacts of urbanization and climate change to cities and solutions from circular economy practices.  Lu authored more than 40 academic publications in professional journals. Lu’s research has also been covered by some international media outlets and has been cited by policy stakeholders as a scientific basis for environmental policies. Please feel free to contact him via email: sun.lu@nies.go.jp

Homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lu_Sun30
