2002年获河北科技大学工学学士学位,2004年获英国诺丁汉大学理学硕士学位。2005年赴德国柏林工业大学攻读博士学位,期间获柏林优秀青年奖学金(NaFoG)、中国优秀自费留学生奖学金;2009年被柏林工业大学聘为研究人员,2013年被任高级研究人员,同年获工学博士学位。2016年4月获聘南京工业大学教授,9月任中科院沈阳应用生态研究所环境计算实验室客座研究员。已完成德国教研部、德国经济部等多项科研项目,拥有从基础研究到工程化的全流程经验。目前,已在行业著名期刊(比如Water Research, Chemosphere, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Bioresource Technology等)发表16篇SCI论文,包括1篇ESI高引用论文。
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Yongjun Zhang (male, born in 1978) received his doctorate degree (Dr.-Ing.) from Technical University of Berlin in 2013 where he had worked as a research associate and a senior research associate later. In 2016, Dr. Zhang was appointed as a Professor in Nanjing Tech University and a Research Fellow in IAE-CAS. His research interestis focused on wastewater treatment technologies and he has published 16 publications in peer-reviewed journals so far, such as Water Research, Chemosphere, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Bio-resource Technology, etc. Dr. Zhang also actively serves the community by taking roles as a committee member of the IWA specialist group “Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment”, an editorial board member of the journal Heliyon, and an invited reviewer for many journals.