序号 | 项目类别/Sponsor | 计划名称/Programs | 项目名称/Projects |
1 | 国家自然科学基金委/ Natural Science Foundation of China | 杰出青年基金/ for Distinguished Young Scholars | 资源环境政策管理及政策分析/Environment-Resources Policy, Management and Analysis |
2 | 国家自然科学基金委/NSFC | 面上项目/Surface Program | 东北老工业区人地关系演化的多尺度响应及其组织调控研究/Structure Regulation and Multi-scales Response of Human-land Evolution in Traditional Industrial Area of Northeastern China |
3 | 国家自然科学基金委/NSFC | 青年项目/Program for Youth Scientist | 东北老工业区产业生态系统演化的时空过程及区域效应/Regional Effects and Spatial-temporal Process of the Industrial Ecosystem in Northeast Industrial Area of China |
4 | 国家自然科学基金委/NSFC | 青年项目/ Program for Youth Scientist | 时空变化过程约束的地理视频大数据语义增强方法/A Spatial-temporal Change Process-constrained semantics-enhancement method of Geo-Video Big Data |
5 | 中国科学院青年创新促进会/ Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS | 会员资助计划/Grant for New Members | 东北老工业区人地关系与可持续发展/Improving Sustainability and Human-natural system in Northeastern Old Industrial Zone of China |
6 | 辽宁省科技厅/Sci & Tech Department of Liaoning Prov. | 自然科学基金/Fund for Natural Science | 面向在线决策服务的泛结构化众源环境大数据建模/ Environment Big Data and Modelling for on-line Decision Support |
7 | 辽宁省科技厅/Sci & Tech Department of Liaoning Prov. | 自然科学基金/Fund for Natural Science | 东北老工业区产业生态系统适应性分析——以辽宁为例/Analysis on the Adaptability of the Industrial Ecosystem in Northeastern Old Industrial Zone of China |
8 | 辽宁省科技厅/Sci & Tech Department of Liaoning Prov. | 重点研发计划/ Technology R & D Program | 辽宁省可持续发展能力建设与应用示范/ Demonstration & Capacity Building of the Sustainable Development in Liaoning Province |
9 | 博士启动基金/Initial Fund for Doctors | 沈阳经济区装备制造产业生态系统演化机理及其调控策略/Regulating & Mechanism of the Manufacturing Industrial Ecosystem in Shenyang Economic Zone | |
10 | 辽宁省科技厅/Sci & Tech Department of Liaoning Prov. | 重点实验室建设/Provincial Key Lab | 辽宁省环境计算与可持续发展重点实验室/Key Lab for Environmental Computation and Sustainability, Liaoning Province |
11 | 沈阳市科技局/ S&T Department of Shenyang | 重点研发计划/Key R&D Program | 中德合作环境POI大数据关键技术联合研发/Joint R&D on the key technologies of the POI-based Big Data |
12 | 中国科学院沈阳分院-山东省科学院青年合作伙伴计划 | ---- | 产业生态学/Industrial Ecology |
13 | 国际合作/International Cooperation | DCZUE/TU Berlin | 中德合作基于泥炭的生物活性育苗基质联合研发与应用示范/ Sino-German Joint R&D on Peat-based Growing-media |
14 | 国际交流/International Exchange | 访问交流项目/IASS Fellowship | Co-benefits Approach for Sustainable Mitigation & Adaptation of Climate Change/面向气候变化的可持续适应与减缓的协同效应方法 |
15 | 浪潮集团大数据中心/Spur Group. | 成果转化项目/Technique Transfer Program | POI大数据自适应组织方法和可视化技术转化/Application of the Approaches of POI-based Big Data |
16 | 四川省教育厅/ Education Department of Sichuan Prov. |
| 东北老工业区气候变化与污染物减排的协同效应研究/Co-benefits Analysis on Climate Change and Environmental Pollution in Northeastern Industrial Zone of China |
17 | 四川省教育厅/ Education Department of Sichuan Prov. |
| 循环经济园区全空间运行信息的动态关联建模与智能挖掘技术研究/Data Mining and Modelling on the Spatial Info at the Circular Economy Park |
18 | 中科院污染生态与环境工程重点实验室/Key Lab of Pollution Ecology & Environ. Engineering, CAS | 开放基金/Open Fund | 城市群环境政策协同机制的拓扑机理研究/Topological mechanism of co-benefits of environmental policy in urban agglomeration |
19 | 中科院污染生态与环境工程重点实验室/Key Lab of Pollution Ecology & Environ.Engineering, CAS | 开放基金/Open Fund | 区域环境-经济系统的集成解析及其代谢模型/Modeling Metabolism and Integrated Investigation on Regional Environment-Economic System |
20 | 辽宁抚顺市/本溪市/Benxi Municipal Government and Fushun Municipal Government | 发展规划/Regional Developmental Planning | 抚顺-本溪国家可持续创新示范区规划暨实施方案/Plan for Building National SDG demonstration Zone in Benxi-Fushun of Liaoning Province |
21 | 辽宁省发展和改革委/Development and Reform Commission of LN Prov. | 发展规划/Regional Developmental Planning | 辽宁省节能减排十三五规划/The 13th five-year plan for Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Liaoning Prov. |
22 | 内蒙古通辽市库伦旗/Kulun Qi of Tongliao City | 发展规划/Regional Developmental Planning | 库伦旗田园综合体建设规划/Plan for Building Pastoral Complex |
23 | 辽宁省灯塔县/Dengta County of Liaoning Province | 发展规划/Regional Developmental Planning | 辽宁省灯塔县农业科技园区发展支持服务/Master Plan for Building Agricultural High-tech Park in Dengta County, LN Prov. |
24 | 辽宁省西丰县/Xifeng County of Liaoning Province | 决策支持服务/Decision Support Consulting | 西丰县国家可持续发展实验区技术支持服务/Consulting Service for National Sustainable Development Community of Xifeng County, Tieling City of LN Prov. |
25 | 辽宁省大石桥市/Government of Dashiqiao City, LN | 决策支持服务/Decision Support Consulting | 大石桥市国家可持续发展实验区技术支持服务/Consulting Service for National Sustainable Community of Dashiqiao City, LN Prov. |
26 | 江苏省东海县/Government of Donghai County, Jiangsu | 决策支持服务/Decision Support Consulting | 江苏省东海县国家可持续发展实验区技术支持服务/Consulting Service for National Sustainable Community of Donghai County, Jiangsu Prov. |
27 | 江苏省连云港市/Government of Lianyungang City, Jiangsu | 决策支持服务/Decision Support Consulting | 江苏省连云港国家农业科技园区发展支持服务/Consulting Service for National Agricultural High-tech Park of Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Prov. |
28 | 特色研究所计划/Special Institute | 基础平台计划/Platform Construction | 城市与环境计算实验室/Lab for Urban & Environmental Computation |