


  产业生态与人地关系研究组(Research Center for Industrial Ecology and Sustainability, 简称“产业生态组”或“RCIES”)成立于2008年9月,是中国科学院“引进海外杰出人才计划”创新研究组,主要从事产业生态学、人地关系、区域可持续发展研究。



   2. 功能定位与任务目标



  产业生态组的主要研究任务是系统解析区域人类活动与环境系统演化的生态耦合关系,阐明“环境—资源—产业”在区域发展中的关联作用过程,揭示区域“社会-经济-环境”体系的形成机制与拓扑机理, 创新环境-经济协调发展的政策干预原理,构建区域资源循环利用体系、可持续的产业生态网络和生态安全策略自动生成系统,建成可持续管理决策支持服务平台。



  任婉侠 博士,renwanxia@iae.ac.cn,024-83970371

  Research Center for Industrial Ecology & Sustainability (RCIES), one of the 36 research units at the Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was established in November 2008, supported by “The Talents Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences”. The main research areas include industrial ecology and sustainability science, by focusing on the interactions in the coupled human-natural complex system. We undertake our research in the field of developing simulation and decision support system, evaluating the overall eco-efficiency of various industrial ecosystems, proposing environmental management tools, and offering the roadmaps for addressing long-term sustainability.

  In its research, the RCIES aims to merge all relevant types of knowledge in order to jointly find suitable solutions that help us initiate, support, and scientifically accompany the transformation to sustainable development. In accordance with its mission, the RCIES involves a wide range of stakeholders from all parts of society in a transdisciplinary process, with the goal of scientifically producing solutions; these stakeholders are not viewed as mere addressees of the Institute's findings at the end of the research process.

  Our strategic focus lies on sustainability issues where we see a great need for transformation or expect a high transformation potential as a result of developing new options for action. The RCIES does not merely work to create knowledge needed for action; it also applies its findings in dialogues with politicians, researchers, and civil society and in turn employs these consulting services to promote the further transformation process and sustainability.

  The main directions and strategies for our work at the RCIES are currently addressed in four research sub-groups and one lab:

  Sub-group I: Industrial Ecology and Industrial Ecosystem Management;

  Sub-group II: Sustainable Interactions with the Human-Natural System;

  Sub-group III: Environmental Policy and Management;

  Sub-group IV: Climate Change Governance and Low Carbon Development;

  Laboratory: Lab for Urban & Environmental Computation;

  If you need any further information, please contact Dr. Ren Wanxa via renwanxia@iae.ac.cn.